09.10.24 Library Van visit
15.10.24 Harvest Assembly
16.10.24 Flu Vaccination
23.10.24 Parent consultations
24.10.24 Parent consultations
25.10.24 School closes at 2pm for all pupils
06.11.24 After School Club - Lego
07.11.24 P1 Jolly Phonics meeting
13.11.24 After School Club - Lego
10.12.24 Christmas Concert
Parkgate Primary School
Parkgate Primary is a small rural school where every individual is welcomed and valued. We are an integral part of our village community. We aim to provide an inclusive, stimulating, creative and safe learning environment where every child is encouraged to develop their full potential. Personal and social skills are nurtured alongside high expectations of achievement. In partnership with parents and Governors, our dedicated staff endeavour to equip pupils with enquiring minds and support them in becoming well-rounded individuals.
We trust you enjoy our website which showcases the wide range of learning activities in which our pupils participate.
Mrs. V Ferguson