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Welcome to P6/7

Our teachers are Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Hutchinson


Welcome to P6/7. Our busy classroom focuses on Literacy Hour and Numeracy Hour in the mornings. These sessions are a combination of both active learning experiences and focused written work.

Afternoon sessions have a focus on studying the wider curricular areas of The Arts, The World Around Us, P.E. and Personal Development and Mutual Understanding. 


During this, their final year with us, our aim is to prepare our pupils for the transition to ‘Big School’. Our focus is not only on their academic development but also on developing the skills they will need to adapt to the different structure of a post primary school.  The pupils are encouraged to become even more independent in their learning working both individually and collaboratively. I.C.T. is infused across all areas of the curriculum with our pupils using the ICT suite and iPads to complete research tasks, present information to their fellow peers and produce leaflets, posters and PowerPoint presentations both to showcase their learning and also to lead learning sessions where they step into the role of teacher themselves.

We say goodbye to our P7s in June but not before we have a celebration of their time with us. Pupils from every year group, staff members, parents and guests share in a Leavers’ Assembly which is planned and led by our amazing P7 pupils.


They share their memories of Parkgate and their hopes for the future. It is always an occasion full of smiles, laughter and a few tears. We are immensely proud of each pupil as they bid us goodbye and prepare to take the next step on their education journey.

The Lake Kilrea 5
The Lake Kilrea 2
The Lake Kilrea 3
The Lake Kilrea 1
The Lake Kilrea 4
Scale activity (8)
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