Welcome to P3/4
Our teacher is Mrs McLean.

The Literacy curriculum in Key Stage 1 follows the Jolly Grammar and Phonics Bug Programmes. The focus is on the further development and use of phonic sounds and sight reading of high frequency words. Simple grammatical concepts are introduced during active and practical lessons. The pupils develop their independent writing skills and use a variety of genres -e.g. letters, stories, poems and reports. We use guided reading books and eBooks to develop independent reading and comprehension skills.

Numeracy concepts are introduced through activity based, Mental Maths and I.C.T. activities from the Heinemann Active Maths (Northern Ireland) Scheme. Pupils work independently and in groups to investigate and solve real life problems in fun and engaging ways. They use practical resources to consolidate their understanding of concepts. Pupils are encouraged to develop metacognition and self-assessment skills through open ended questions.
The pupils learn about a variety of topics for the curriculum area The World Around Us. These include Superheroes, Houses and Homes, Celebrations, Space, China and Pirates. Pupils are challenged to work collaboratively to complete tasks following the Plan, Do, Review Cycle. Emphasis is placed upon developing skills within the S.T.E.M. areas. Thinking skills and Personal Capabilities and ICT opportunities are infused into activity based learning sessions.
The creative subjects (Art, Music and Drama), P.E. and Religious Education/P.D.M.U. are taught weekly. Much importance is placed upon empowering pupils to manage a healthy mind, diet and lifestyle. Pupils are encouraged to identify their feelings, treat others with respect and use positive affirmations to promote a high self-esteem.